Reflections on Retreat
by Rebecca
After four long years, our Wisdom Sun Community recently gathered for a transformative three-day retreat, blending in-person and online participation. The experience was nothing short of magical, offering a precious opportunity to reconnect with ourselves, each other, and the profound teachings of the Prajnaparamita Sutras.
Entrance to the Wisdom Sun retreat space in San Francisco.
Under the theme Mother Wisdom, Rose and Zoe guided us through an exploration of the Prajnaparamita teachings and, in true Wisdom Sun style, we had the opportunity to explore these teachings through a harmonious blend of song, dance, movement, and meditation.The retreat space felt like a sanctuary to me, allowing me to drop into an open space of awareness that we all shared through our collective presence and the warm embrace of the teachings.
My fellow participants also described the experience as sweet, deep, and multifaceted. There was a palpable sense of safety and connection that encouraged vulnerability and openness. As Chelsea Points beautifully expressed, "I felt like a little sponge soaking up all the energies. Just being together meant all the world to me."
In our fast-paced, often chaotic world, this retreat provided a vital container for deeply connecting with teachings on emptiness. It served as a reminder that, despite life's fury, there's always a fundamental ground for reconnecting with our true nature. For some, like Jon Ferrer, it was their first Buddhist retreat experience. Jon shared, "The Mother Wisdom gathering was my first Buddhist retreat, a journey I came into with an open heart, expecting lots of meditation and thoughtful discussions. What I didn't see coming was the atmosphere: a raw, unfiltered energy filled with loving comfort and compassion... Since then, I've carried this sense of calm—a baseline that helps me navigate the daily grind."
A highlight for many was the Refuge Ceremony. For Mali and Jon, it was their first time taking this vow but it was also deeply moving and meaningful for those renewing their vows in this ceremony–with some of us even moved to tears.
The retreat powerfully reminded us of the precious opportunity we have to engage with Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche's teachings through Rose and our growing community of teachers and practitioners. It reinforced the joy of having a supportive community where we can return, remember our basic goodness, and walk alongside friends on our spiritual journey.
As we return to our daily lives, we carry with us the warmth, wisdom, and connection fostered during these three extraordinary days. The retreat may have ended, but its impact continues to ripple through our lives, guiding us towards greater awareness and compassion in every moment.
We had people come into the retreat’s physical space in San Francisco from across the Bay Area, as well as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boulder, CO. Online people joined the retreat from across Turtle Island (the United States) as well as Spain, India, and Thailand. Everyone did what they could–blending in-person, online, and recordings (some of the time zone differences were so great that recordings for certain sessions were the best option). At one point, our online participant Leah suggested we turn the camera around so the online participants could see the people in the room. This was a sweet and joyous moment of connection for everyone. Thank you, Leah! And, sorry we don’t have photos of everyone–hopefully, we’ll have another opportunity in the future.